
City Map for Blog on Voting Residence

What's My Voting Residence Address? Updated for Election 2024!

There’s no place like home – when you’re preparing to vote

Voting in the United States is both a right and a responsibility. As with almost any other new responsibility, before setting out as a voter, it’s a good idea to prepare by running through a checklist. Here are some key questions to ask yourself:

  • Am I a U.S. citizen? That's an easy start! Only U.S. citizens can vote.
  • Am I 18 years of age or older? If you’re old enough to defend us in battle, you’re old enough to vote! At the same time, many states allow younger (16 or 17-year-old) voters to register if they will be 18 on Election Day when they vote.
  • Does anything prevent me from voting today? – like a court’s determination or a former felony conviction? Even if your state does prevent you from voting today, you may nevertheless regain that right in the future.
  • And where do I live – for purposes of voter registration?

For many people, that last question is a no-brainer. If you haven’t moved from your home for the last ten years, or see no reason to ever leave, then you’ve got your answer. You can take the next step to check your voter registration status to make sure you’re still on the registration roll by plugging in your current address. If you’ve never registered from your current address, register today.

Register to Vote in your State with U.S. Vote Foundation

Registering from one’s home address may be simple for those who don’t move around much. But for those Americans who relocate regularly – roughly 10% of the country moves each year – preparing to vote can feel a little trickier.  Where do you vote if you just moved?

For more information, see these YES Stories:

Can I Vote If I Just Moved to a New State?

Can I Vote Without a Permanent Address?

Many people have slightly more complicated situations and questions. If you have two homes, from which one do you register? What if you live abroad, or in a different state, as a military member or ex-pat? Or maybe you’re a student studying outside your home state? Even homeless? We talk you through it below.

First, note that in many states an eligible voter must have lived – “resided” or “domiciled” – there for a certain period (usually twenty to thirty days) before registering to vote. Residence and domicile are funny legal concepts; essentially, the state wants to ensure you “intend” to live there, but don’t worry too much about long-term investments.

Second, on top of residency requirements, over half the states also require would-be voters to register by a certain cut-off deadline, generally around 30 days before an election. Fortunately, handfuls of states offer same-day registration on Election Day or during early voting. Check your current state’s registration deadlines and opportunities.

I moved within the state … where do I go to vote?

If you moved within your state after the registration deadline, check your state’s rules and requirements. Some permit you to register and vote at your new polling location; some require you to return to your old polling location to cast a ballot. Contact your local election official on where to vote well before Election Day!

I’m a snowbird. Half the time I live in New York, and half the time I live in Florida! Where should I vote?

Lucky you! Hopefully, this goes without saying, but you may only vote once – and from just one location. Vote from the state you identify as “home” or in which you spend the most amount of time. If you spend seven months in Florida each year, and the remaining five months in New York, then consider getting registered and voting from the Sunshine State.

But again, check your home state’s rules. For example, New York permits citizens to vote in that state if they have a “fixed” and “permanent” home to which they intend to return; using a sporadic summer rental in the Empire State as one’s registration address won’t cut it.

It’s important to note that, even if you intend to make a certain state your home, you’re not required to have a crystal ball! People change plans often; what matters is your intent, and physical presence, for the foreseeable future.

I’m from Arizona but stationed in Arkansas with the military. Where do I vote from?

Your voting residence as a uniformed services member, or spouse or dependent, is a more specific question. US based military members vote based on their declared address of domicile. That may be in-person, if you are living and serving domestically and at your location of domicile, or by absentee ballot if stationed away. If stationed abroad, you can take part in the overseas and military voting program, which has many benefits for ease of use and online ballot delivery.

For Further Information: See Voting for Uniformed Services Members

I moved to Spain five years ago. Can I still vote? And from where?

As an American citizen, your right to vote goes with you wherever in the world you might be (and for whatever reason you’re there). Just ensure that you file the overseas voter registration and ballot request form each year you intend to vote. You will need to enter your Voting Residence Address on the form.

What State Do I Vote in if I Live Abroad?

Be sure to register and request an overseas absentee ballot with enough time to receive, vote, and return it by mail.  Overseas Vote has a comprehensive Overseas Voting FAQ to cover all your questions about voting from abroad, plus links to registration and absentee ballot requests.

Help, I’m a student! Do I vote from home or my new college address?

It’s up to you! Whereas some states – like New Hampshire – initially tried to keep incoming college students from voting in-state, every state in the country now permits students to either vote from their college address or their previous one (e.g. parents’ home). Check your state’s ID requirements; some accept student IDs for voting purposes, but others don’t.

And before you make your decision, find your polling place to see if it’s in a convenient location. Unfortunately, polling places sometimes shut down on campuses. If you decide to vote from your home state, instead of your campus address, ensure that you’re registered there – and then request your absentee ballot as soon as possible!

What if you’re homeless? Or couch surfing?

You may register from the location where you spend the most amount of time, including a description of an intersection, if you’re not located at a specific address (like a shelter or friend’s home). Check your state’s rules on registering while homeless.

Voting feels overwhelming. How do I get started?

We have the perfect answer for you. Try the new, interactive Voter Journey Map and make your plan to vote!

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