How to Vote with U.S. Vote Foundation
Get ready with info. Get set by making a plan to vote. Get voting!

- Get the info you need to get started
- As a domestic voter
- As an overseas voter
- As a voter with disabilities
- As a a citizen seeking voting rights restoration
- Who to call or email if you need more info before you make your plan to vote
- The US Vote's Voter Help Desk is here to assist you
- You can also contact your local election official
- Set up a Voter Account on US Vote to stay informed and ready to vote
- US Vote will guide you through the voting process from start to finish with your personalized Voter Account
- You can privately save your data and save time by generating forms each time you need them with your own democracy dashboard
- Your data is secure and you can remove your account at any time
- You can sign up for voter alerts to find out dates and deadlines so you never miss out on an election
- Voter accounts are safe, easy, and reliable
- I want to make my plan to vote early.
- Mark the election date on your calendar and check all deadlines
- Make sure you're eligible to vote
- Get your voter ID ready and set a reminder to bring the ID with you when you vote
- Register to vote or check your voter registration status. Make sure your name and address are current.
- Check if your state offers early voting in person
- Check if your state offers early voting by mail
- Find general information about early voting in your state
- Find your polling location and hours
- Plan a date and time to vote
- Map out the route to your polling location
- Decide how to get to your polling location
- View a sample ballot so you are familiar with the instructions and choices
- Remember you can use a provisional ballot if you don't have acceptable ID. This ballot would get counted once election officials check that you are eligible to vote.
- Check out the rules of assistance and the types of accommodations available to you if you have a disability
- Have questions? Contact the US Vote's Voter Help Desk
- I want to make my plan to vote absentee or vote by mail.
- Mark the election date on your calendar and check all deadlines
- Make sure you're eligible to vote
- Get your voter ID ready
- Register to vote or check your voter registration status. Make sure your name and address are current.
- Check the rules for absentee ballots or vote by mail ballots in your state
- Apply for your absentee ballot or a vote by mail ballot if you are eligible
- View a sample ballot so you are familiar with the instructions and choices
- Read all instructions on the ballot. You don't have to vote for every office or every question, but you do have to follow all instructions.
- Make a copy of your voter ID or provide your voter ID number as needed
- Examine the envelope or envelopes provided with your ballot. You may have a secrecy envelope and a mailing envelope. Check to see if there are signature, witness or notary requirements you have to follow.
- Schedule a date and time to return your ballot before the election deadline
- If you want to return your ballot by mail:
- find the mailing address provided with your ballot
- purchase and affix a postage stamp if required
- If you want to return your ballot to a secure voter drop box, check to see if you have
- the option in your locality
- certain hours to drop off the ballot if the drop boxes are inside election offices
- If you want someone else to return your ballot, check the rules in your state
- Check out accessible ways to vote absentee or by mail in your state if you have a disability
- Have questions? Contact the US Vote's Voter Help Desk
- I want to make my plan to vote in person on Election Day.
- Mark the election date on your calendar and check all deadlines
- Make sure you're eligible to vote
- Get your voter ID ready and set a reminder to bring your ID with you when you vote
- Register to vote or check your voter registration status. Make sure your name and address are current.
- Find general info about Election Day voting in your state
- Find your polling location and hours
- Plan a time to vote
- Map out the route to your polling location
- Decide how to get to your polling location
- View a sample ballot so you are familiar with the instructions and choices
- Remember you can use a provisional ballot if you don't have acceptable ID with you. This ballot would get counted once election officials check that you are eligible to vote.
- Check out the rules of assistance and the types of accommodations available to you if you have a disability
- Have questions? Contact the US Vote's Voter Help Desk
- I want to sign up for a Voter Account with US Vote to help plan my vote
- Your personalized voter account will help you stay current with all the information you need to vote
- You can set up alerts so you never miss an election deadline
-I am voting with an absentee ballot or with a mail-in ballot.
- Follow all instructions on the ballot. You don't have to vote for every office or every question, but you do have to follow all instructions.
- Fill out your ballot
- Include a copy of your voter ID or provide your voter ID number as needed
- After you fill out your ballot, sign the envelope and provide other info as required
- Schedule a date and time to return your ballot before the election deadline
- If you want to return your ballot by mail:
- find the mailing address provided with your ballot
- purchase and affix a postage stamp if required
- If you want to return your ballot to a secure voter drop box, check to see if you have
- the option in your locality
- certain hours to drop off the ballot if the drop boxes are inside election offices
- If you want someone else to return your ballot, check the rules in your state
- Track your ballot through the voting process
- I am voting in person during an early voting period or on Election Day.
- Find your polling location and hours
- Plan a time to vote before the election deadline
- Map out the route to your polling location
- Decide how to get to your polling location
- Make sure you have an acceptable voter ID and bring this ID with you as required
- Remember you can use a provisional ballot if you don't have acceptable ID with you or there is a question about your eligibility. This ballot would get counted once election officials check that you are eligible to vote.
- You have the right to ask for assistance if you need help
- Read all the instructions on your ballot. You don't have to vote for every office or question, but you do have to follow all instructions
- If you make a mistake filling out your ballot, you can ask for a replacement ballot
Congratulations! You're a voter.
- Don't forget your voter badge!