Fairfax, VT Election Office Contact

Welcome to U.S. Vote Foundation's Election Office Directory record for Fairfax, Vermont.

Here you can find contact information for the election officials responsible for administering elections in the Fairfax election jurisdiction. Whether you plan to visit the election office or to email or call your election official, or to find addresses for sending voting materials by postal mail or express mail, this directory is the go-to resource for participating in the democratic process in Fairfax, Vermont.

Address Information

Postal Mail & Express Mail Delivery

Fairfax Town Clerk
12 Buck Hollow Rd
Fairfax VT, 05454
Election Official Contact Details

Presiding Election Official


Email Address

Town Clerk

Lynn Parah

Email Address

Additional Information
Office Hours
, MON-THUR 9:00 AM - 400 PM FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Further instructions
Town Clerk's Office closed Monday before election day. Must request absentee ballots by 4:00 P.M. the Friday before the election. Ways to request absentee ballots: mvp.vermont.gov, call Town Clerk's Office, or email with your date of birth a ballot will them be mailed to you, allow sufficient time to remit you voted ballot by mail, dropping off into the secure drop box on the right of the front door at the Town Office Voting at Bellows Free Academy, 75 Hunt Street, Fairfax, Vermont 05454 7:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M.

Update Fairfax, Vermont Information
(For Election Official Use Only)