Voting Methods and Options

What are the different ways I can vote in my state?

About U.S. Vote Foundation’s State Voting Methods and Options

Every state and territory in the US enjoys the right to define voting methods and options for its residents. For example, some states might offer absentee or early voting, and others not. Navigating these state-specific voting methods and options can be a daunting challenge.

U.S. Vote Foundation (US Vote) has put together the State Voting Methods and Options directory to empower you with complete information on the diverse voting options available in your state. Through this easy-to-use reference tool, we make it simple to access and comprehend your voting options; eliminating confusion and ensuring you are aware of the options you have to cast a ballot in your state.

User-Friendly Reference Tool

At the heart of US Vote's mission lies a commitment to provide voters with a reliable and user-friendly resource that tracks and presents to your state's voting options. US Vote’s State Voting Methods and Options reference tool makes it effortless for you to explore the specific voting methods available in your state. US Vote tracks and updates state election laws and rules to present you with real-time information, enabling you to make informed decisions when it matters most.

A Repository of State Voting Options

In our nation, each state boasts a unique set of voting laws. That’s why access to a comprehensive repository of voting methods and options is vital to every voter. US Vote curates this database to include all states and territories for domestic US-based, overseas and military voters.

From absentee voting with or without an excuse and early voting, to in-person voting and mail-in ballots, US Vote ensures that no option is overlooked, and you are well-informed of the various methods from which you can choose to cast your ballot.

Clarifying Voting Jargon

Elections, like so many industries, have their own vocabulary. It can be all the more confusing when descriptions are peppered with election jargon. Recognizing this barrier, US Vote defines the election terminology used to describe each voting method and option.

We have explained the key terms in understandable, natural language on each state's page. By clarifying the jargon, we aim to demystify the voting terms to ensure you can more confidently choose how you would like to participate in the voting process.

Promoting Participation

By collating state-specific voting methods and options in a single location, US Vote assists you, regardless of your familiarity with the voting process, to become an active participant in shaping our nation's future through voting.

In an era where voter access to information is paramount, US Vote offers the tools and services that support an informed and engaged electorate. Through this unique reference tool, US Vote clarifies your state voting methods and options to help you participate in the voting process.